The guide below will help you understand what you will need when building your crowdfunding pitch on Crowd for Angels. Remember, when you are presenting to investors to keep your message short, to the point and to focus on key areas. If you need any help, talk to one of the knowledgeable Crowd for Angels team members via Email: [email protected] or Telephone: 0207 437 2413
Fill in your Company Name,
Industry, and Address.
Provide Minimum and Maximum investment target, number of shares or crowd bonds in issue, and the date you want to go live.
Include a short Summary which inspires investors to get behind your company.
Provide information to underpin your business model.
Tell the investors what's in it for them.
Upload Directors and team members' profiles. Don't forget to add photos.
Provide company images, videos, and commercials. Anything that gives investors a better insight on what your company is about.
Upload important documents
Good business ideas need to be underpinned by a well presented, well thought out plan.
It is not required, but offering rewards to your investors builds brand loyalty
and expands your marketplace.
Preview your pitch through the
eye of an investor and check the text
Submit pitch for review and start
promoting your company to potential
For further support contact our team at
[email protected]
or call
0207 437 2413