Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Interested in Digitalised Assets (Tokens)?

With Crowd for Angels, you can gain access to Digitalised Assets, through our simple and easy to use online platform.

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What are Digitalised Assets?

Digitalised Assets represent real-world assets such as shares, bonds or even a deed for a house. These assets are stored on the blockchain, a form of shared database. This allows parties to transfer these assets online, with ease to another party such as a buyer.

The process of generating and selling a new digitalised asset usually involves building a smart contract that represents the 'real world asset' that is then issued on the Blockchain. This smart contract and the resulting token represents a real-world asset that is legally binding.

Supporters of digitalised assets, benefit from greater transparency, likely reduced costs and potentially greater liquidity. Crowd for Angels offers to bring these disruptive innovative tools of the digital era to the crowd.

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Advantage of Digitalised Assets


Easy Fundraising Approach

Digitalised Assets sales provide an easy way of fundraising for Blockchain businesses. Organisations seeking investment consider digitalised assets as a much faster and easier fundraising method to undertake.


Growing Number of Supporters

A digitalised asset sale-funded business benefits from a network of supporters, similar to traditional crowdfunded businesses, whereby those supporters hold digitalised assets that can increase in value based on usage.


International Reach

Digitalised assets provide reach to international investment markets without much complication. Barring a few jurisdictions, digitalised assets are open to everyone. At present, Crowd for Angels is not open to US investors.



Many investors are attracted to cryptocurrencies for their liquidity. Digitalised assets offer the opportunity for higher liquidity so holders can exit their investment more easily once the digitalised assets are listed on an exchange soon after the sale period has completed.

Why Choose Us

The bar for successful digitalised assets has risen much higher. A solid whitepaper, great team, good advisors, solid social media and PR buzz as well as a working prototype, are quickly becoming the norm. Crowd for Angels aims to list private digitalised assets that follow the best practices and make them available on the platform.


Crowd for Angels works with a number of partners in the crypto and Blockchain space to deliver its services and provide its clients with assistance and guidance. Below are a few of the partners we work with:

Risk Warning

Investment Risks

Investing in small public listed or private companies involves many risks, including illiquidity, lack of dividends, loss of investment and equity dilution. It should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio. Investing in debt pitches through Crowd for Angels (UK) Limited involves lending to companies and therefore your capital is at risk and interest payments are not guaranteed if the borrower defaults. Please click here to read the full Risk Warning.

Investor Suitability

Investments on this website are targeted exclusively at investors who are sufficiently sophisticated to understand the risks involved and make their own investment decisions. You will only be able to invest in pitches on this website once you are fully authorised and the investment is deemed appropriate for you.

Basis of Investment

Investments can only be made on the basis of information provided in pitches by the investee companies concerned. Crowd for Angels takes no responsibility for information provided by external sources, including investee company websites.

Forward Looking Statements & Forecasts

Pitches may contain forward looking statements and financial forecasts or projections. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Crowd for Angels makes no judgement or opinion of the likelihood of targets being achieved. 

Lack of FSCS Protection

Investments made in companies listed on the Crowd for Angels platform are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Tax Relief

The availability of any tax relief, including EIS and SEIS, depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and of the company concerned, and may be subject to change in the future. If you are in any doubt about the availability of any tax reliefs, or the tax treatment of your investment, you should obtain independent tax advice before proceeding with your investment.

Innovative Finance ISA

Holding an investment within an innovative finance ISA does not reduce the risks associated with an investment or guarantee returns and it is possible to lose all of the money invested.

This page has been approved as a Financial Promotion by Crowd for Angels (UK) Limited (Company number: 03064807), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Reference number: 176508).