Tax Relief
The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) are established government schemes that aim to encourage investment in smaller companies by providing investors with generous tax benefits. These tax benefits can be up to 50% of the investment amount. Many pitches on the Crowd for Angels crowdfunding platform offer tax relief schemes such as SEIS and EIS.
As well as benefiting from the direct relief against an investment, investors also benefit from 'Loss Relief'. This means if shares are disposed of at a loss, such a loss can be set against the investor's capital gains or income in the year of disposal. Please review the SEIS and EIS tabs to find more information about tax relief for investors and companies. If you would like more information on how SEIS and EIS tax relief works please read the HMRC guidance documentation or reach out to [email protected]
Free SEIS & EIS tax relief guide.
Crowd for Angels presents the Investor guide to the Enterprise Investment Scheme and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme. The guide explains who Crowd for Angels are, the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), their main benefits and how one can claim each tax relief. Read the Investor’s Guide below.
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Please Note: The availability of any tax relief, including EIS and SEIS, depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and of the company concerned, and may be subject to change in the future. If you are in any doubt about the availability of any tax reliefs, or the tax treatment of your investment, you should obtain independent tax advice before proceeding with your investment.