Accounting for Initial Token Offerings – Revenue or Liability Recognition
Most companies which launch Initial Token Offerings (ITOs) want to avoid classification of their tokens as equity to avoid problems with the regulatory authorities. Therefore, assuming that the offering is liability financing rather than equity financing, the exchange of value must be properly recorded on the issuing company’s financial statements. The ledger entry would have […]

Crowd for Angels granted Authorised Training Employer (ATE) by the ICAEW
Crowd for Angels is delighted to announce that it has been granted Authorised Training Employer (ATE) status by the The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). As an ATE Crowd for Angels will offer training for the ACA (Associate Chartered Accountant) qualification to individual employees, helping to develop their accounting, business and finance skills. […]

The Business Finance Guide – ICAEW
Access to the latest ‘Business finance guide’ that was compiled by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.