How is the Autumn Budget 2021 going to affect your small business?
Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled the contents of his highly anticipated Autumn Budget 2021 in the House of Commons last week. Despite the promise of Sunak’s much-hyped ‘Age of Optimism’ the budget only revealed a few benefits for small businesses. Overall highlights included: Business rates cut by 50% for retail, leisure and hospitality for one year: […]

Why are companies going green?
It’s clear that the climate and going green remains a key consideration this year, with green infrastructure projects at the heart of many governments’ post-pandemic recovery plans. In the US, President Joe Biden has re-joined the Paris climate agreement and aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Meanwhile, China’s government announced last year […]

6 pandemic-proof ways to run a successful crowdfunding campaign
UK’s lockdown 2.0 has got many entrepreneurs wondering if their crowdfunding campaign can succeed right now. Given this pandemic induced slump what’s a founder to do? Especially the ones that require capital to execute their growth plans. Here’s a list of 6 pandemic-proof ways to run a successful crowdfunding campaign and secure set investment targets. […]

Cost cutting during COVID-19
Back in April, in the early days of the pandemic, Harvard Business School released research claiming that the average small business has enough cash reserves to last just 27 days. Now that most countries are now experiencing or preparing for a second wave of the virus it is critical that many companies, especially small businesses, […]

101 ways to lose money in deeptech angel investing
After 10 years of building and backing deeptech companies at one of Europe’s leading universities, in the City and our own fund Deep Science Ventures, one thing is clear. The outcomes can be big and exceed tech outcomes in both scale and speed. But any clues on how to navigate this landscape are largely hidden […]

Boris Business Boost in 2020
In the month of December, the UK stock market often experiences a phenomenon known as the “Santa rally” – a rise in share prices in the run up to Christmas. Last year however, following the December 12th general election, investors saw a sharp “Boris rally”, with the FTSE 100 having put on an impressive 5% […]