Funding for businesses impacted by COVID-19
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, business is far from “running as usual”, which is why we are writing this blog with the aim of summarising the raft of measures that have been announced by the government regarding financial support and to ensure you are aware of the latest schemes and extensions put in motion to help […]

8 Tips for Investing in a Crowdfunding Deal during COVID-19
Every investment comes with a certain degree of risk. However, during a global pandemic the degree of risk could be higher. With this article, we are going to dive into 8 tips for investing in a Crowdfunding Deal during COVID-19. TIP #1 – It is advisable that you restrict all your speculative investments to no […]

Cost cutting during COVID-19
Back in April, in the early days of the pandemic, Harvard Business School released research claiming that the average small business has enough cash reserves to last just 27 days. Now that most countries are now experiencing or preparing for a second wave of the virus it is critical that many companies, especially small businesses, […]

We saved the banks, now the banks must save us!
At the height of the last financial crisis in 2008/09, which was largely a bank created crisis, governments around the world stepped in to stop big financial firms from going bust. Taxpayers’ cash was injected into a bevy of banks around the globe to restore market confidence and help stabilise the system. Here in the […]

Important Notice – Crowd for Angels
Dear Crowd for Angels Community, I wanted to personally update you during this period of uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 (coronavirus) and we’d like to reassure you that we’re running as normal so you can continue using Crowd for Angels.As an FCA-regulated company, we have robust continuity plans in place to ensure that we can operate as normally as possible in circumstances like these. […]