Hidden secrets about the SEIS and EIS Tax Relief Schemes
The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) are established government incentives that aim to encourage investment in smaller companies. They do this by providing investors with generous tax benefits. Despite being fairly popular schemes amongst both companies and investors, there are still various details about the schemes that go unnoticed. Below […]
Funding for businesses impacted by COVID-19
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, business is far from “running as usual”, which is why we are writing this blog with the aim of summarising the raft of measures that have been announced by the government regarding financial support and to ensure you are aware of the latest schemes and extensions put in motion to help […]
Final vote on EU rules for crowdfunding platforms
Original article featured on the European Union, check here (Monday, 5 October) On Monday evening, the plenary approved the deal struck with the Council last December on common rules to boost EU crowdfunding platforms and protect investors. The new rules aim to help crowdfunding services to function smoothly in the internal market and to foster […]
Crowd for Angels Brochure
Crowd for Angels is an FCA authorised and regulated crowdfunding platform that funds companies through the issue of shares, crowd bonds and digitalised assets to investors. Below you can view a link to the Crowd for Angels Brochure. Today, we welcome over 32,000 ‘Angels’ on our platform who regularly invest, participate and support great companies. […]
Crowdfunding Tips for Start-ups
Crowdfunding is a great way to get the funds you need to get your start-up growing. Not only can it help you get the initial funds you need to launch your company, it can also help validate if your ideas are good, attract new customers, and even potential employees.
Time is running out to invest your ISA allowance
There are now less than two weeks left to take advantage of your ISA (Individual Savings Account) allowance for the 2017/18 tax year. The annual £20,000 allowance needs to be allocated by the deadline day of 5th April otherwise it is lost forever. Most savers and investors will be familiar with the Cash ISA, a […]
Top Ten Questions about our ICO
Since launching our ICO, we have spoken with many innovators, investors and individuals who have taken a keen interest in our token offering. Here we have listed the top ten questions we have been asked: What will I receive for my investment? We are offering investors a 5 year straight bond which will pay 3% […]
Is Investing in Cryptocurrencies no more than Gambling?
As Bitcoin passed through the $10,000 barrier this week, then $11,500 within hours, before going back down to $9,300 just as quickly, some market commentators have been asking if putting money into cryptocurrencies is more like gambling than investing. At first glance, gambling and investing do share some similar characteristics. If we consider gambling to […]
Our due diligence – going one step beyond
Here at Crowd for Angels we often get asked by investors what due diligence we carry out on the companies that raise funds on our platform. As a company that is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), we have to comply with strict rules on how we conduct our business. But as […]
The little-known finance product offering up to 12% annual interest – IF-ISA
Since its launch in 1999 the Cash ISA (Individual Savings Account) has been a very popular product for consumers looking to shelter their savings income away from the taxman. According to government statistics, at the end of the 2015/16 tax year the total market value of Cash ISAs was a mammoth £250.7 billion¹. Savers have […]