A step-by-step guide to completing an EIS Certificate (Enterprise Investment Scheme)
Have you invested in a company that offered EIS tax relief and wondering how you can benefit? Here’s a step-by-step process to help you claim your tax relief by completing an EIS Certificate. What happens before you receive the EIS Certificate? Once the funding round is successfully completed and shares are issued, the company sends […]

Investor’s Guide to the EIS & SEIS
Crowd for Angels presents the Investor’s guide to the Enterprise Investment Scheme and Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme. The guide explains who Crowd for Angels are, the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), their main benefits and how one can claim each tax relief. Read the Investor’s Guide below. The Enterprise Investment Scheme, […]

An Investor’s Guide to Cryptoassets: Introduction
Introduction to CryptoAssets What started as a computer programmer’s hobby almost 10 years ago, is now a rapidly growing sector that has generated high returns for early investors. Cryptocurrencies are largely thought to have the potential to emerge as a transformative payment innovation, but the volatility and wild price swings of late have left the […]

Investor’s Guide to Cryptocurrencies
Interested in learning more about Cryptocurrencies as an alternative investment? Then read our guide below. You can download the full guide here: https://crowdforangels.com/pdf/The-Investors-Guide-to-Cryptocurrencies.pdf