Biotech Investing
In this article, we hear from Angel investor and fund manager, Sunil Shah, who launched the UK’s first EIS Biotech & AI Fund, o2h Ventures. The biotech sector is one of the leading sectors in the UK economy. Large pharma companies now rely on small innovative biotechs for new ideas in disease areas such as cancer, […]

Millennials vs Upcoming Retirees in Blockchain and Crowdfunding Investing
Crowd for Angels recently received almost 1,400 responses to its latest survey on investment attitudes towards the crowdfunding and crypto/blockchain markets. You can read an analysis of the main findings HERE Delving deeper into the data it became apparent that there were some interesting differences between two key age groups, those aged 18 to 30 […]

Is Investing in Cryptocurrencies no more than Gambling?
As Bitcoin passed through the $10,000 barrier this week, then $11,500 within hours, before going back down to $9,300 just as quickly, some market commentators have been asking if putting money into cryptocurrencies is more like gambling than investing. At first glance, gambling and investing do share some similar characteristics. If we consider gambling to […]

Four Strong Bets for Small Business Investment
Privately traded companies which are growing strongly, or hot new start-ups which have just come on the scene, all have enormous room for expansion. So investors with a high appetite for risk should capitalise on that potential to target above average returns – there’s no point ignoring a whole swathe of businesses just because they’re […]

The Advantages of Investing Through Crowdfunding – Updated
UPDATED – 4th September 2018 Crowdfunding still labours somewhat under the reputation that it isn’t quite as serious as other ways to invest, retaining the legacy of high-profile platforms like Kickstarter, which are really more about donating than investing. That reputation is slowly changing however, as more investors catch onto crowdfunding’s enormous potential for good […]

Dip a Toe Before You Take a Dive; Making Smaller Investments
Alexander Pope may have been talking about literary criticism rather than inexperienced investors, when he wrote the line ‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread’ way back in the 1700s – but, at Crowd for Angels, we think it applies pretty brilliantly to one of the key mistakes naïve investors make. You see, there […]

VCT vs EIS – what’s the difference?
Want to save on your tax bill and invest in growing companies at the same time? With a range of government backed incentive schemes you can do exactly that. Small businesses are the lifeblood of the UK economy. They employ an estimated 16 million people (more than half of the workforce), account for 99.3% of […]
What Marketing Opportunities Surround Companies who Crowdfund?
Crowdfunding is a popular way for small companies to raise money and provides many marketing opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. Since many ideas that are crowdfunded are innovative and exciting, it levels the playing field for smaller companies to develop their products. It can be challenging for companies to create a successful crowdfunding campaign, but when done correctly, crowdfunding can be extremely effective. It offers the company a loyal following and the investment needed to create new products and services.